United Digital Kingdom


The first digital bank in space. The bank is established in the digital jurisdiction of United Digital Kingdom. 

Central Bank UDK

The mission of the AURBANK
to promote the welfare of the people of the United Digital Kingdom by maintaining monetary and financial stability.

Financial services

1. Investments
2. Issue of money
3. Insurance
4. DeFI
5. Consulting

Issue services

AURBANK monitor the amount of money in the economy by measuring monetary aggregates, consisting of cash and bank deposits is increased In most modern economies.
Money creation, or money issuance, is the process by which the money supply of a country, or of an economic or monetary region.


AURBANK provides financial grants for United Digital Kingdom citizens on behalf of the state.


The grants can be spent on various projects:

1. Grant 1,000 
2. Privatisation cheque - 10,000
3. Pension capital - 50,000

Our mission

Building and maintaining digital financial infrastructure in space. Issuance of digital money for a digital state in space. Financing of commercial organization projects.

Decentralized Finance


Tax-free business


Digital citizenship


Digital economy for Space

Imagine a world in which financial transactions are not regulated by centralized organizations or intermediaries, but are managed by a network of individuals and companies. This is the world of decentralized finance, or DeFi, a revolutionary concept that could change the financial industry. Using blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, DeFi offers a new way to conduct financial transactions - from lending to insurance - directly between individuals and businesses.


MMira State Building 550 2th Ave, Nurenburg, Mars United Digital Kingdom.  |

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